Battle of Fort Washington

The battle of the fort Washington was a battle fought in New York on November 16,1776.It was a British victory they gained the surrender of the remnant of the garrison.In the Fort Washington battle was United States and Great Britain .The battle ended in a resounding British victory with the fort surrendering 3,000 continental troop and Washington abandoning his defense of New York City.It was not pretty it was one of the worst partriot defeats .There was a lot of bom going  off every where.Fort Washington commander was Robert Magaw .For the Britain  side William Howe and Hugh Percy Wilhelm von .


Hourglass Poem

Samuel Prescott was a Masalchusetts patriot during                 American revolutionary.

Samuel warned people that the  British was come.

Samuel fight in the Midnight ride.

Regulars are out

Samuel Prescott

Only Participant

Best remembered role in midnight ride.

British Amy move to capture guns and gunpowder

when Prescott left Lexington was about 1 am the next moring.



My new year resolution is being nice to my bother. I will star by saying nice thing to him.The reason i chose this is because my mom get mad at me for yelling at him. So i hop that he stop yelling at me for nothing .I hop that his cast gits of so he can do more stuff around the house.I hop that it’s to be a good year.

Red Ribbon Week

Red ribbon week is by far the largest and oldest drug prevention campaign in the country. Red ribbon week began after the kidnapping,toture and murder of DEA agent Enrigue” kiki ‘camarena  in 1985.Red Ribbon week is helping teens all over the world not to drug.